Luz Photo Agency

Lea Crespi

Lea Crespi was born in Paris. She completed the Vevey school with honors and has since been working as a freelance photographer for european newspapers and magazines:Telerama, Liberation, L'express,Le Monde. She photographs in colour using different formats. She mainly does portraits and reportage. For her personal project :"Lieux",she takes pictures of special places (abandoned houses,)where she stages her own body/skin as a prop. Excerpts from this project have been shown in many galleries troughout Europe and Asia the Gallery VU in Arles and Paris,The Heyri Festival in Seoul, the Langhans Galerie in Prag, Paris Photo.She has been awarded several prizes:the Young Talents at the Arles festival, 3rd prize for the swiss VFG, in the selection for the European Award for women photographers.